Working on all of your branches simultaneously
I think this is one of the first things I saw about jj
that made me go "wait,
WHAT?!?" I was asking questions on the jj
Discord, and one of the developers,
Austin, mentioned that
Also. I can rebase all my branches simultaneously too.
This section is going to explain what he meant by that, and how he uses jj
manage multiple pull requests at the same time.
First, we'll do some set up to have a few pull requests going on at the same time. Then we'll show you how you can develop against all of them simultaneously, and when your upstream updates, you can rebase them all simultanously.
The set up
Let's check out our example project to make sure we're on the same place:
> jj log
@ msmntwvo 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk 752534be
│ add a new function
◉ vmunwxsk 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 f6f7dce9
│ add a comment to main
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 trunk e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
Right! We have an outstanding pull request from a previous section. If you have made some of your own changes, maybe do this next section an extra time, so that you have enough outstanding branches. Austin's original example had five, so that's how many I'm going to make. If you want to make fewer, two works too, or you can go a little harder and make even more branches. Up to you!
Let's make some more branches! We want to start them all from trunk
, not on each
> jj new trunk
Working copy now at: opwqpunl 7ede4eb9 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : ksrmwuon e202b67c trunk | Update Cargo.toml
Added 0 files, modified 1 files, removed 0 files
~/Documents/GitHub/sample-jj-project/hello-world> jj log
@ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 14:12:52.000 -05:00 7ede4eb9
│ (empty) (no description set)
│ ◉ msmntwvo 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk 752534be
│ │ add a new function
│ ◉ vmunwxsk 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 f6f7dce9
├─╯ add a comment to main
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 trunk e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
We've now started a new branch from trunk
. Let's give it a description, add
a second commit with its own description, and then make a pull request out of
it. Feel free to make changes in the code in here if you'd like, it doesn't
matter for our purposes.
> jj describe -m "display the birthday date on the settings page"
Working copy now at: opwqpunl 1a66beb1 (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
Parent commit : ksrmwuon e202b67c trunk | Update Cargo.toml
> jj new -m "have galactus query eks with time range"
Working copy now at: yxxppztp 3d123151 (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
Parent commit : opwqpunl 1a66beb1 (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
> jj git push -c @
Creating branch push-yxxppztpoyqq for revision @
Branch changes to push to origin:
Add branch push-yxxppztpoyqq to 3d1231518dbf
> jj log
@ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 14:18:00.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq 3d123151
│ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
◉ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 14:15:58.000 -05:00 1a66beb1
│ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ ◉ msmntwvo 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk 752534be
│ │ add a new function
│ ◉ vmunwxsk 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 f6f7dce9
├─╯ add a comment to main
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 trunk e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
Great! We have two pull requests. Do this again at least once, but maybe two or three times. It's cooler with more branches, trust me.
> jj new trunk -m "prepare to deploy to the cloud"
Working copy now at: tmnmvxyy 105cf6b5 (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
Parent commit : ksrmwuon e202b67c trunk | Update Cargo.toml
> jj new -m "various fixes"
Working copy now at: rxpztwms 902a6cd2 (empty) various fixes
Parent commit : tmnmvxyy 105cf6b5 (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
> jj git push -c @
Creating branch push-rxpztwmsszvk for revision @
Branch changes to push to origin:
Add branch push-rxpztwmsszvk to 902a6cd22f30
Your jj log
will look like this:
> jj log
@ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 14:25:31.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul 728dbb1e
│ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
◉ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 14:25:14.000 -05:00 1f7c69a5
│ (empty) updating dependencies
│ ◉ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 14:24:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo 30081a6b
│ │ (empty) first 80% done
│ ◉ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 14:24:21.000 -05:00 7c02f6ce
├─╯ (empty) another feature
│ ◉ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 14:23:00.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk 902a6cd2
│ │ (empty) various fixes
│ ◉ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 14:22:15.000 -05:00 105cf6b5
├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ ◉ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 14:18:00.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq 3d123151
│ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ ◉ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 14:15:58.000 -05:00 1a66beb1
├─╯ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ ◉ msmntwvo 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk 752534be
│ │ add a new function
│ ◉ vmunwxsk 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 f6f7dce9
├─╯ add a comment to main
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 trunk e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
That's a lot of branches!
We could do what we do with git
, and just work on each branch individually.
But we can do more interesting things than that: let's work on every branch
at the same time.
Working on every branch
So, here's how we can work on every branch at the same time: we create a merge with the parents of every branch we have. My command looks like this, but you'll have to use the appropriate change IDs for what your repository looks like. I'm also using the short form of each name, which helps when you have five of them! Anyway:
> jj new ym z r yx m -m "merge: steve's branch"
Working copy now at: xnutwmso 695806ff (empty) merge: steve's branch
Parent commit : ymvptyyq 728dbb1e push-ymvptyyqmyul | (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
Parent commit : zxyukunn 30081a6b push-zxyukunnwolo | (empty) first 80% done
Parent commit : rxpztwms 902a6cd2 push-rxpztwmsszvk | (empty) various fixes
Parent commit : yxxppztp 3d123151 push-yxxppztpoyqq | (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
Parent commit : msmntwvo 752534be push-vmunwxsksqvk | add a new function
Added 0 files, modified 1 files, removed 0 files
Whew! What a change! Five parents. Let's create an extra one so we can use our
squash-style workflow more easily: we temporarily work on a @
change, and then
jj squash
diffs back into whichever parent makes the most sense.
> jj new
Working copy now at: nllzosqm 85324040 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xnutwmso 695806ff (empty) merge: steve's branch
Check out this jj log
> jj log
@ nllzosqm 2024-03-17 14:36:36.000 -05:00 85324040
│ (empty) (no description set)
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 14:30:52.000 -05:00 695806ff
├─┬─┬─┬─╮ (empty) merge: steve's branch
│ │ │ │ ◉ msmntwvo 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk 752534be
│ │ │ │ │ add a new function
│ │ │ │ ◉ vmunwxsk 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 f6f7dce9
│ │ │ │ │ add a comment to main
│ │ │ ◉ │ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 14:18:00.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq 3d123151
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ │ │ ◉ │ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 14:15:58.000 -05:00 1a66beb1
│ │ │ ├─╯ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ │ ◉ │ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 14:23:00.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk 902a6cd2
│ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ ◉ │ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 14:22:15.000 -05:00 105cf6b5
│ │ ├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ ◉ │ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 14:24:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo 30081a6b
│ │ │ (empty) first 80% done
│ ◉ │ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 14:24:21.000 -05:00 7c02f6ce
│ ├─╯ (empty) another feature
◉ │ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 14:25:31.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul 728dbb1e
│ │ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
◉ │ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 14:25:14.000 -05:00 1f7c69a5
├─╯ (empty) updating dependencies
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 trunk e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
So now our working directory has all of our changes in it. We can make changes,
and then jj squash
them into the appropriate branch. If we decide we want a
new change at the head of any of these branches, we'll need to use a rebase,
but it's not too bad:
> jj new z -m "second 80% done"
Working copy now at: kvupxvpv 2ea49586 (empty) second 80% done
Parent commit : zxyukunn 30081a6b push-zxyukunnwolo | (empty) first 80% done
Added 0 files, modified 1 files, removed 0 files
> jj log
@ xsmqmnyv 2024-03-17 14:43:28.000 -05:00 46cb6847
│ (empty) second 80% done
│ ◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 14:30:52.000 -05:00 695806ff
╭─┼─┬─┬─╮ (empty) merge: steve's branch
◉ │ │ │ │ msmntwvo 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk 752534be
│ │ │ │ │ add a new function
◉ │ │ │ │ vmunwxsk 2024-03-02 11:47:08.000 -06:00 f6f7dce9
│ │ │ │ │ add a comment to main
│ │ │ │ ◉ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 14:18:00.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq 3d123151
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ │ │ │ ◉ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 14:15:58.000 -05:00 1a66beb1
├───────╯ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ │ │ ◉ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 14:23:00.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk 902a6cd2
│ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ │ ◉ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 14:22:15.000 -05:00 105cf6b5
├─────╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ │ ◉ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 14:24:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo 30081a6b
│ │ │ (empty) first 80% done
│ │ ◉ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 14:24:21.000 -05:00 7c02f6ce
├───╯ (empty) another feature
│ ◉ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 14:25:31.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul 728dbb1e
│ │ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
│ ◉ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 14:25:14.000 -05:00 1f7c69a5
├─╯ (empty) updating dependencies
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 trunk e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
Yikes! Don't worry, we can fix that with a rebase:
> jj rebase -r xn -d m -d ym -d yx -d r -d z
We want to rebase the revision xn
with the following "destination" revisions:
, ym
, yx
, r
, and z
. Since we have multiple parents, that's what will
> jj log
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 15:16:36.000 -05:00 da67dfe1
├─┬─┬─┬─╮ (empty) merge: steve's branch
│ │ │ │ @ kvupxvpv 2024-03-17 15:15:20.000 -05:00 2ea49586
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) second 80% done
│ │ │ │ ◉ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 14:24:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo 30081a6b
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) first 80% done
│ │ │ │ ◉ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 14:24:21.000 -05:00 7c02f6ce
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) another feature
│ │ │ ◉ │ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 14:23:00.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk 902a6cd2
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ │ ◉ │ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 14:22:15.000 -05:00 105cf6b5
│ │ │ ├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ │ ◉ │ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 14:18:00.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq 3d123151
│ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
We're back to our beautiful tree, though our @
working commit got lost in the
shuffle. It was empty anyway! Let's bring it back:
> jj new xn
Working copy now at: pptrunzw 06442487 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xnutwmso bcf8a74b (empty) merge: steve's branch
Added 0 files, modified 2 files, removed 0 files
> jj log
@ pptrunzw 2024-03-17 14:55:59.000 -05:00 06442487
│ (empty) (no description set)
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 14:52:08.000 -05:00 bcf8a74b
├─┬─┬─┬─╮ (empty) merge: steve's branch
Rebasing on upstream changes
What happens when some changes land upstream, and we need to rebase our pull requests. If you're like me, you often have multiple PRs going at any given time. Rebasing them all can be very tedius. Here's how we can do that with this workflow.
First, let's make a change upstream. I'm going to do this by merging my open PR from earlier in the tutorial:
After fetching changes, our log looks like this:
> jj git fetch
> jj log
@ xqkmpxlq 2024-03-17 15:18:11.000 -05:00 fccf0626
│ (empty) (no description set)
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 15:16:36.000 -05:00 da67dfe1
├─┬─┬─┬─╮ (empty) merge: steve's branch
│ │ │ │ ◉ kvupxvpv 2024-03-17 15:15:20.000 -05:00 2ea49586
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) second 80% done
│ │ │ │ ◉ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 14:24:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo 30081a6b
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) first 80% done
│ │ │ │ ◉ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 14:24:21.000 -05:00 7c02f6ce
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) another feature
│ │ │ ◉ │ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 14:23:00.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk 902a6cd2
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ │ ◉ │ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 14:22:15.000 -05:00 105cf6b5
│ │ │ ├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ │ ◉ │ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 14:18:00.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq 3d123151
│ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ │ ◉ │ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 14:15:58.000 -05:00 1a66beb1
│ │ ├─╯ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ ◉ │ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 14:25:31.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul 728dbb1e
│ │ │ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
│ ◉ │ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 14:25:14.000 -05:00 1f7c69a5
│ ├─╯ (empty) updating dependencies
◉ │ msmntwvo?? 2024-03-17 14:45:41.000 -05:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk* cdca9211
│ │ add a new function
◉ │ vmunwxsk?? 2024-03-17 14:45:41.000 -05:00 3a08be8a
├─╯ add a comment to main
│ ◉ okyzuxnk 2024-03-17 14:59:02.000 -05:00 trunk b7f9d708
╭─╯ (empty) Merge pull request #1 from steveklabnik/push-vmunwxsksqvk
◉ ksrmwuon 2024-03-01 23:10:35.000 -06:00 e202b67c
│ Update Cargo.toml
Uh oh! That's got some concerning stuff. The changes with ??
and are in red,
and there's also the new merge commit that trunk
is set up to. Since all of
our branches were off of the change where trunk
used to be, we should rebase
them on top of the new trunk. First, we want to make sure that @
is at the
empty change on top of our merge commit. You can see from the jj log
above that that is true.
We can rebase all of our PRs with one command:
> jj rebase -s 'all:roots(trunk..@)' -d trunk
Rebased 14 commits
Working copy now at: ltupzukw 9a496ef6 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xnutwmso 6be25a32 (empty) merge: steve's branch
This is using some revset stuff we haven't seen before! Let's break it down:
This is using jj rebase -s
rather than -r
, like we've been doing before. Here's
the description from jj rebase --help
-s, --source <SOURCE>
Rebase specified revision(s) together their tree of descendants (can be repeated)
That's a little rough. There are some helpful diagrams in jj rebase --help
got me to understand the differences between -r
, -s
, and -b
, but the short
of it is that -r
will sort of "rip out" a change and move it somewhere else.
does that, but also moves desendants. In other words, imagine that we have
a history like this:
A - B - C - D
If we jj rebase -r C
to somewhere else, it will only move that revision, and so
you end up with
A - B - D
Whereas -s
operates more like I'd be used to with git
: it takes the children
too, so after jj rebase -s B
, you'd have:
A - B
as both C
and D
are somewhere else now. -b
works to rebase a branch.
The next part, `all:' is a prefix. What's the prefix do? Well, let's try running the command without it:
> jj rebase -s 'roots(trunk..@)' -d trunk
Error: Revset "roots(trunk..@)" resolved to more than one revision
Hint: The revset "roots(trunk..@)" resolved to these revisions:
opwqpunl ba100a96 (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
tmnmvxyy 462dcf72 (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
tzsloruo fdba6abd (empty) another feature
xulymzyp abbf424e (empty) updating dependencies
vmunwxsk?? 2ce46bd0 (empty) add a comment to main
Prefix the expression with 'all' to allow any number of revisions (i.e. 'all:roots(trunk..@)').
This is basically a way to help make sure you've got the right arguments: sometimes
when working with revsets, you expect the result to be only one revision, and
sometimes you expect it to be many revisions. For some commands, one or the
other may be not neccesarily what you want. In this case, most of the time,
when you rebase, you only want one parent. So if we use a revset that returns
more than one change, that might be a bug! So jj rebase
wants us to reassure
that we are creating a change with multiple parents by putting all:
as a
Finally, trunk..@
is being passed to the roots()
function. trunk..@
a range, so it will give every change between where trunk
is and @
. The
function gives back the roots of the changes provided to it, so in
this case, commits that have children but no parents. To which you may say,
"but don't those commits have parents?" In general, sure, but because we are
only returning the set of those commits, their parents aren't in the set, and
therefore don't exist for the purposes of a function like this. This means we
end up with the commits that have trunk
as parents, and have children
themselves. The roots of the tree.
Let's put it all together:
$ jj rebase -s 'all:roots(trunk..@)' -d trunk
We're rebasing all of the root changes from
Kind of a mouthful, but not too bad to understand!
Here's what our jj log
looks like:
> jj log
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 ce833ae7
│ (empty) merge: steve's branch
◉ xqkmpxlq 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 5dc292c2
├─┬─┬─┬─╮ (empty) (no description set)
│ │ │ │ │ @ ltupzukw 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 edf9cd58
╭─┬─┬─┬─┬─╯ (empty) (no description set)
│ │ │ │ ◉ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq* b3db74d3
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ │ │ │ ◉ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 713c692d
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ │ │ ◉ │ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk* 76dbbcd1
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ │ ◉ │ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 d0f7f627
│ │ │ ├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ │ ◉ │ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul* f448e93a
│ │ │ │ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
│ │ ◉ │ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 d608ebd3
│ │ ├─╯ (empty) updating dependencies
│ ◉ │ msmntwvo?? 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk* 21569f7a
│ │ │ (empty) add a new function
│ ◉ │ vmunwxsk?? 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 9a050939
│ ├─╯ (empty) add a comment to main
◉ │ kvupxvpv 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 3b0a722a
│ │ (empty) second 80% done
◉ │ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo* 7e826ad4
│ │ (empty) first 80% done
◉ │ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 792cc601
├─╯ (empty) another feature
◉ okyzuxnk 2024-03-17 14:59:02.000 -05:00 trunk b7f9d708
│ (empty) Merge pull request #1 from steveklabnik/push-vmunwxsksqvk
Let's move @
back to where we want it:
> jj new xn
Working copy now at: vvvouunp 78919d69 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xnutwmso ce833ae7 (empty) merge: steve's branch
> jj abandon l
Abandoned commit ltupzukw edf9cd58 (empty) (no description set)
> jj log
@ vvvouunp 2024-03-17 16:02:39.000 -05:00 78919d69
│ (empty) (no description set)
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 ce833ae7
│ (empty) merge: steve's branch
◉ xqkmpxlq 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 5dc292c2
├─┬─┬─┬─╮ (empty) (no description set)
│ │ │ │ ◉ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq* b3db74d3
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ │ │ │ ◉ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 713c692d
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ │ │ ◉ │ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk* 76dbbcd1
│ │ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ │ ◉ │ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 d0f7f627
│ │ │ ├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ │ ◉ │ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul* f448e93a
│ │ │ │ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
│ │ ◉ │ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 d608ebd3
│ │ ├─╯ (empty) updating dependencies
│ ◉ │ msmntwvo?? 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk* 21569f7a
│ │ │ (empty) add a new function
│ ◉ │ vmunwxsk?? 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 9a050939
│ ├─╯ (empty) add a comment to main
◉ │ kvupxvpv 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 3b0a722a
│ │ (empty) second 80% done
◉ │ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo* 7e826ad4
│ │ (empty) first 80% done
◉ │ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 792cc601
├─╯ (empty) another feature
◉ okyzuxnk 2024-03-17 14:59:02.000 -05:00 trunk b7f9d708
│ (empty) Merge pull request #1 from steveklabnik/push-vmunwxsksqvk
Looking pretty good! One last thing: what's up with those red commits? Well, those are from our external PR, and we don't need them. So we can just abandon that branch:
> jj abandon push-vmunwxsksqvk
Abandoned commit msmntwvo?? 21569f7a push-vmunwxsksqvk* | (empty) add a new function
Rebased 3 descendant commits onto parents of abandoned commits
Working copy now at: vvvouunp ace3f1a2 (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xnutwmso 32871810 (empty) merge: steve's branch
> jj abandon push-vmunwxsksqvk
Abandoned commit vmunwxsk?? 9a050939 push-vmunwxsksqvk* | (empty) add a comment to main
Rebased 3 descendant commits onto parents of abandoned commits
Working copy now at: vvvouunp e3f9254f (empty) (no description set)
Parent commit : xnutwmso 0459bd1c (empty) merge: steve's branch
And now our log is clean:
> jj log
@ vvvouunp 2024-03-17 16:06:15.000 -05:00 e3f9254f
│ (empty) (no description set)
◉ xnutwmso 2024-03-17 16:06:15.000 -05:00 0459bd1c
│ (empty) merge: steve's branch
◉ xqkmpxlq 2024-03-17 16:06:15.000 -05:00 c9e5fa35
├─┬─┬─╮ (empty) (no description set)
│ │ │ ◉ yxxppztp 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-yxxppztpoyqq* b3db74d3
│ │ │ │ (empty) have galactus query eks with time range
│ │ │ ◉ opwqpunl 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 713c692d
│ │ │ │ (empty) display the birthday date on the settings page
│ │ ◉ │ rxpztwms 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-rxpztwmsszvk* 76dbbcd1
│ │ │ │ (empty) various fixes
│ │ ◉ │ tmnmvxyy 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 d0f7f627
│ │ ├─╯ (empty) prepare to deploy to the cloud
│ ◉ │ ymvptyyq 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-ymvptyyqmyul* f448e93a
│ │ │ (empty) fixing all the breakage from updating dependencies
│ ◉ │ xulymzyp 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 d608ebd3
│ ├─╯ (empty) updating dependencies
◉ │ kvupxvpv 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 3b0a722a
│ │ (empty) second 80% done
◉ │ zxyukunn 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 push-zxyukunnwolo* 7e826ad4
│ │ (empty) first 80% done
◉ │ tzsloruo 2024-03-17 16:01:56.000 -05:00 792cc601
├─╯ (empty) another feature
◉ okyzuxnk 2024-03-17 14:59:02.000 -05:00 push-vmunwxsksqvk* trunk b7f9d708
│ (empty) Merge pull request #1 from steveklabnik/push-vmunwxsksqvk
And there we go!
This workflow may not make sense to you, but it is a very neat example of using the tools you already know to do something completely different! We're going to talk about a slightly different workflow next: "stacked pull requests". They're similar in some ways to this approach, but there's also some differences too.