

To get started with Doxidize, install it from

$ cargo install doxidize


Then, run the init command inside of the project you'd like to document:

$ cd /path/to/my/project
$ doxidize init

This will create two things at the top-level of your project:

Let's look inside of docs/:

$ tree docs
 └── api
     └── ...
 └── examples
     └── ...
 └── Menu.toml

First, the api directory. Doxidize generates these files from your source code, and even includes the documentation that you've written with documentation comments. It also generates a few overview pages. This directory is generally considered to be controlled by Doxidize itself, and so while you can edit these files to write documentation, if you rename or move files around, it may get confused. For more details here, consult the Users Guide.

Second, the examples directory contains a copy of each example program you've included in examples. Feel free to annotate these examples however you'd like, including splitting up their source code to interleave comments.

Next, we have Menu.toml. Let's take a look:

"Getting Started" = [

"Examples" = [
    # ...

This file allows you to control the sidebar of your documentation. Each section becomes a drop-down, with the contents you've listed here. By default, we generate two sections: named "Getting Started," with an overview, and one named "Examples", containing your examples. Note that "API" is not listed here, as Doxidize handles organizing that itself.

What is overview here, anyway? To answer that, let's look at our last file:

id = "overview"
title = "Overview"
# Overview

This markdown file has a TOML heading, written between the ---s. This is the way you can communicate metadata about the file to Doxidize. The first bit we've got here is called id, and corresponds to the name we use to link to this page in Menu.toml. The second is the title, which controls how it's displayed in the menu. After that, comes the body itself, which has nothing but a header to start with.

At this point, feel free to edit up some pages, create new ones and put them in Menu.toml, or whatever else! We're not going to get into those details in this Quickstart, see the User's Guide for more details here.

Building your docs

Now that we've looked at our Markdown, let's turn those into web docs!

$ doxidize build

This will write out the files inside of the target/docs directory. Let's take a look!

Previewing your docs in a browser

To view our docs, we could open them in a browser directly. Doxidize also includes a basic web server as well:

$ doxidize serve

It will print out the URL you need to open in your browser. Load that up, and you should see your docs!

To quit the server, type control-c.

Publishing your docs to GitHub Pages

Doxidize provides an easy way to publish your docs to GitHub pages, but before that, let's talk about URLs. By default, your docs are located at the site's root, that is, /. But GitHub Pages is usually served in a subdirectory. Consider Doxidize's own documentation:

See that doxidize? We want any links in our docs to include this base. To do that, add this to your Doxidize.toml:

base-url = "doxidize"

Well, you'd want to name it the name of your project, not literally "doxidize"!

After doing this, re-build your docs:

$ doxidize build

And then you can publish them:

$ doxidize publish

This will create a git repo inside your generated docs, commit them to a gh-pages branch, and push it up to GitHub.

Learning More

This is a very brief overview of Doxidize; to learn more about these steps in detail, please consult the User's Guide.