Web content never expires. A blog post written in 2011 will live on in search engine results for years.

Rust has undergone a lot of change over the last few years, often in completely incompatible ways. This means the Internet is littered with content and posts that were accurate at the time, but have since been obsoleted.

To ensure old content gets properly flagged, with no effort needed by the author, we’ve created a GitHub-driven badge service. See the user-friendly website for more details on the general idea.

Updating a badge

Badges are stored as Jekyll posts. For example, the badge for this blog post:

Is stored at:

Versioning informations is store in the YAML front-matter of that post:

layout: post
url: http://words.steveklabnik.com/pointers-in-rust-a-guide
title: "Pointers in Rust: a Guide"
date: 2013-10-18
start_version: 0.8

To update the badge (as seen the blog post at words.steveklabnik.com), open a PR changing the YAML front-matter.